Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's time.

Colter needs a blog.  I know all you people crave the dish as much as the shots, suffice it to say coffee gossip salvation has arrived.  This is the place for you to come and get the low down on what's happening at your favorite coffee shop.  So now you can stop lurking at the edge of the counter by the machine and you can do all your Colter lurking from the comfort of your own computer screen.  But I'm not going to install a webcam so don't ask.  And if you were planning on asking maybe get a hobby.

I will warn you, Head Cheese has given me some liberties with this blog.  It certainly wont be raunchy but my sense of humor can lean on the inappropriate side.  Put it this way, Pete and I are cut from very different cloths.  I curse like a sailor but I will try to rein that in.  Consider yourselves disclaimed.  If you can take a few dirty jokes and an occasional four letter word and like stories about the bizzaro world of customer service you've come to the right place.

A lot of my time is now spent at a computer making phone calls that start with, "Hi it's BaristaGirl with Colter Coffee..." and then proceeding to talk about new accounts, art for mugs, t shirt designs, other behind the scenes stuff.  I like it very much but I miss all you crazies.  I hope this blog will be mutually beneficial so I can memorialize the good times and you guys can get a chuckle while I'm at it.

Right now we are seeing the end of an era.  Heather and her husband, BJ, are moving.  Heather's last day behind the counter is Friday, everyone needs to stop in and see her for sure!  When she first told me that she was leaving Colter my response was, "so, are we closing?".  I truly cannot envision this company without her.  I know we'll adjust and we'll be fine but she will certainly be missed and thought of often.  Especially when something goes wrong.  Who we gonna call?!  She has seen it all around this joint.  From the dude in the wheel chair, speeding by hocking loogies on our window and screaming about the resistance to the adolescents with matching hairstyles in different shades of Lisa Frank with each others hands down the others pants.  Seriously?  It's a coffee shop.  Do what the rest of us did and hold hands until you can find the backseat of a Camry.  Even as she is seeing it all, Heather is pretty damn tactful and mellow.  She could be freaking out under the surface and we'd never know.  Homegirl is the master of cool.  Hats off to the lady who taught me how to pull shots, run a tight ship, and be an employee.  Not only will we miss her as a manager, we'll all miss her as a great fwend too.  Aw dangit, now I'm gonna get emotional.  I blame Bubbles.

Speaking of, I think you all should be familiar with Bubbles by now but in case you're not, Bubs is the fetus.   If you hadn't guessed who authors the blog by now, pregnancy ought to be a dead ringer.  Only one of us is riding sidecar.  I'm still gonna go by my blog name though cause it makes me feel special and it distinguishes me from SweetiePeetie who will also be publishing every once in a while.  Head Cheese told me I had to play nice and let him go coffee geek on you guys.  Don't worry, he won't know if you scroll right through his paragraphs on roast levels and variances of notes among different singles origins we offer.  That shit is boring.  I make my living off of and love coffee and even I realize that shit is boring.  SweetieP still wants to stroke his geekgo and share his vast knowledge so whateva. Blog away, dude.

After much ado, here is the blog.  Check back often as I hope to publish at least once a week.  It's time for Manfriend and I to go to our ultrasound appointment.  Fingers crossed for a happy, healthy (boy) baby!

Shout out to Heather!

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