Monday, September 17, 2012

Introducing... The sexiest voice in coffee.

I'm sure you guys already know this but we're in the thick of my birth month.  I share my birth month with another of our Colter family members, Pete!  His day is today!  If you happen to see him in the next few days give him a tip of the hat, he's off to conquer 26!

So, if you wouldn't mind, when you walk into the shop you should tell the barista at the register (and anyone else who will listen) how lovely the fall bouquet of fake flowers on top of the fridge looks.  Yeah, that was me.  Also, the facelift on the shadow box by the door.  I found a picture of polar bears hugging.  Seemed appropriate so I hung it.

Did you see on our fbook page or in Sunday's paper that we will be competing in America's Best Espresso competition?!  So awesome.  We are sending the Head Cheese over to Seattle this weekend for the festivities.  Both Pete and I will be off on our own separate birth month adventures so that just left the big man in charge to go geek out in SeaTown.  Don't tell him I told you this but I'm a little nervous.  The man pulls a fabulous shot, don't get me wrong.  I just feel like my teenage daughter is taking the car out for the first time alone.  But really, that's silly because it's the Head Cheese's proverbial teenage daughter.  Keep your fingers crossed and keep an eye out for Facebook updates to see how we are doing.  HC pulls his first shot on Friday at 3:43 pm.  Woot.

Since we will probably win the America's Best Espresso competition and our popularity will likely skyrocket which will in turn mean we will have way more wholesale accounts and way more need for beans, beans, beans, now is the time to prepare.  Step one in this multi-phase top secret expansion project is to create a training video so the masses can access our method for recreation in their own coffee shop.  Yes, I hear you whispering sellout.  Shush.  We still have secrets.  I have them hidden in Regina George's hair.  Next we have to record a voice over so people understand what they're watching when tuning into the video.

During the voice over our Renaissance Man and beloved "art guy," Julius, told me I have a future in the voice over industry.  Apparently I'm a natural.  He also told me I have a perfect face for radio.  Oh, that man.  He sure knows how to make a girl blush.  Anyway, before I know it some guy called Joe is telling me to shoot him a line, we'll record a radio spot, he's been dying to get Colter's ad revived considering the current spot is like 17 years old and I am hands down the one for the job.  Basically what I am trying to say is that I have become an overnight sensation.  Sexiest voice in coffee.  So, tune into KALS or buy wholesale beans from us to get the training tutorial video and prepare to be dazzled.

I'm probs gonna get a spankin with the fly swatter (that is Brenda's most favorite form of discipline) for this but GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!  Wedding bells are chiming!  Brenda is gettin' hitched!  I am so excited.  As of October 20th Brenda will no longer be Auntie Brenda she will be Mrs. Auntie Brenda!  So while your hat tippin Pete for being born give Brendarr a tip for being lovely and in love!

I have much more to say but I just looked over to see my child faceplanted into the carpet with his arms flailing behind him and his foot stuck in his mouth.  Better handle that.  Don't forget to vote for me in the upcoming Mother of the Year award!

Have I told you the one about the hippies?  It's not super appropriate so I probably haven't but it's a good one.

Here goes.

How many hippies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Give up?

They don't screw in lightbulbs, they screw in dirty sleeping bags!

Peace out boy scout