Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Have you missed me?

Boy. What a trip parenthood is. So far the best trip I've ever taken. I kind of have that feeling you get when you're more worn out from your relaxing vacation than you would be if you'd just stayed home. Had you just stayed home, however, you would have never gotten to touch that sting ray while snorkeling or experienced racing around in a dune buggy. I've been driving one crazy dune buggy with my little baby Jasper by my side. I'm sure the BaristaGirl blog will be peppered with babyphenalia from here on out so I wont go too overboard today.

I wanted to make sure no one forgot about us though! I miss the blog while I don't have a lot of material since I'm not in the shop as much right now as I used to be I still wanted to post. I happened to go in today, actually, which served a dual purpose of caffeinating (I swear that's how it's spelled.) me and inspiring me. I miss it. I miss the chaos, I miss watching downtown. Of course, I miss the chocolate chip mini cookies. Mostly I miss the customers. We wouldn't be Colter without our customers.

In fact, I had one of those endearing customer interactions today that on a day pre-Jasper would have sent me into a fit. Today I am slightly less hormonal, incredibly less pregnant and the sun is shining. Today, life is good. And then I run into Big Bob. Big Bob is an incredibly endearing 50something guy who always seems to be wearing tie-dye. Big smile, scratchy boom for a voice that sounds like gravelly molasses and he drives a hoopdee cruiser, driver's seat reclined, windows down. I pass him on my way to the bathroom and he grabs my hand, gives it a squeeze, tells me it's good to see me and then asks if I had my baby.

Well, yeah. Hence not being pregnant. I smile and point in Allison's direction. Upon my leaving the bathroom he tells me I make a good looking baby and gives my hand another squeeze. I go sit by the window and wait patiently for my americano amid the madness of Chai Chillers and Huckleberry Hurricanes that is School District #5 early release. Big Bob jumps up and comes to take a seat next to me presumably to talk more about how cute my baby is.

"Hey Jess, I don't wanna bother ya, but it's so funny... Wanna know what's funny?"
"Sure, Bob, lemme hear it."
"See," he starts to bite his knuckles and grin a little. I'm starting to look forward to hearing this, "for the longest time I couldn't tell if you were pregnant or just getting... you know... fatter and fatter. Hah! Isn't that a kick!"
Hilarious, Big Bob. Hi-freaking-larious. I then unwrap the stale mini-cupcake I had grabbed from the day old plate in the pastry case and eat the entire thing in one bite. Smiling through buttercream. I now remember why I hang out mostly with my child who doesn't speak and sees my excess as delicious, delicious lunch.

Which brings me to the link that I wanted to post as my entire blog in the first place. It's from the 1000awesomethings blog by Neil Pasricha. I recommend all the other 999 entries too but this one is especially awesome and prevalent to slinging lattes and flashing smiles.

Is this about you?