Sunday, December 30, 2012

The debatable art of the cappuccino

I want to take a few moments and tell you guys about a drink we offer called the, "cappuccino."  This post is inspired by a recent interaction I had whilst slingin.

There I am, in my groove, pulling 21 second shots (perfect) and stretching velvety microbubble milk (perfect).  I get an 8oz to-go cup on the bar.  "2x cap," is scrawled on the cup.  Sweet.  I got this.

I want to pause the story to tell you what a cappuccino is.  That way when I tell the end of the story all of you would have to be crazy not to be on my side.  Not that there are sides.  The customer is always right.  Heh.

So, traditionally, back in the day over across the pond the standard cappuccino was a 6oz drink.  1/3 shots, 1/3 milk, 1/3 foam.  In this case two ounces of each.  The shots are what we call ristretto shots or 'short shots'.  But that is a whole nother entry.  This one focuses more on the milk.  When steamed correctly the milk and the foam should be married in a lovely union of creamy not-too-thick-not-too-thinness.  My mom used to say the Colorado River is too thick to drink, too thin to plow.  Similar concept.  Except you can, in fact, drink it and when you do all those thousands of bubbles your barista just steamed up will dance across your tongue.  The best way to tell a well made cap is to pick it up.  If it feels heavy, like when you pick up a latte, it is probably a latte.  Chances are the milk wasn't stretched properly.  If you pick up a cap and it feels light, like maybe your barista didn't fill the cup all the way that is a true cappuccino.  You tell by the weight, not by the look of the milk.  If you go by the look of the milk you are looking for a dry cappuccino.

Here is where it gets trickier.  The cappuccino can be customized to the customers liking.  A dry cap is foamier, a wet cap is milkier.  Often times with a dry cap the barista will have scoops of steamed milk on top that looks almost like meringue.  Sweet peaks of dairy to dip your cookie in.

Without any specification we make a traditional cappuccino.  The method of thirds.

So, now you know.

Now, I get this 8oz cup on the bar that says "2x cap."  As I said before I was rockin my mojo.  I'm not downtown quite so often anymore so when I am there I am basically Bon Jovi.  I'm high fiving with one hand, steaming milk with the other.  Kissing babies and wrapping pastries.  Doling out relationship advice and counting money.  At this rate I'm expecting to be awarded a medal for making this cappuccino.  As I set my shots I was thinking about the employee meeting  we held specifically discussing steaming milk for the cappuccino.  Man, our customers are lucky we care so much, right?

"Uhm.  I asked for a cappuccino."  I am snapped out of my lala daydream by the gentleman scrutinizing my performance.

Thinking he perhaps was worried his drink had been forgotten in the lineup I cheerily assured him I was pouring it now and he would be enjoying it in just a momen--

"No.  I said I ordered a cappuccino.  That is a latte."

"Oh, well.  I know it can be hard to tell sometimes until you taste but--"

"I know the difference.  A cappuccino has foam.  Whatever you just made is just milk.  I saw."

"Here, let's just start over."  I take his cup back and start setting fresh shots.

Just to make conversation and also to maybe help homeboy realize he doesn't have to treat me like a complete idiot to clear up the situation I chat him up with, "Okay, so, maybe you're looking for more of a dry cappuccino?  The foamier cappuccino where the milk is in more rigid dollops on top?"

"There's only one way to make a cappuccino and it's espresso with foam on top."

"Well actually, jackass, that is what we call a macchiato."

I didn't say that in real life.  I said that in I Heart Customer Service the newest reality hit TV show on Bravo.  Watch what happens.

In real life I said (with a slightly waning smile), "Yeah.  That's debatable."

And THEN because this man clearly was not backing down he retorted with, "I don't think so."

To which in IHCS I said, "You know, you're right.  I've been here 5 years.  The dry cappuccino happens to be my favorite drink to make and I make a damn fine one but you're right.  I have no idea what I'm doing.  Someone else should manage the store.  Maybe you should!  You wanna jump back here?!"

In real life I didn't actually say anything.  I offered up a smile and a dry cappuccino with shiny, scoopable, sweet, structured foam in thick dollops that jiggled a little when I slid it to his side of the counter.

Success.  His face softened a little.  He took a sip, er, bite, and said, "so, next time I should ask for my cap to be dry?"

With a genuine smile and a nod I sent him on his way, all wrongs forgiven and some round about extra job satisfaction.

And that, my friends, is a cappuccino.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Introducing... The sexiest voice in coffee.

I'm sure you guys already know this but we're in the thick of my birth month.  I share my birth month with another of our Colter family members, Pete!  His day is today!  If you happen to see him in the next few days give him a tip of the hat, he's off to conquer 26!

So, if you wouldn't mind, when you walk into the shop you should tell the barista at the register (and anyone else who will listen) how lovely the fall bouquet of fake flowers on top of the fridge looks.  Yeah, that was me.  Also, the facelift on the shadow box by the door.  I found a picture of polar bears hugging.  Seemed appropriate so I hung it.

Did you see on our fbook page or in Sunday's paper that we will be competing in America's Best Espresso competition?!  So awesome.  We are sending the Head Cheese over to Seattle this weekend for the festivities.  Both Pete and I will be off on our own separate birth month adventures so that just left the big man in charge to go geek out in SeaTown.  Don't tell him I told you this but I'm a little nervous.  The man pulls a fabulous shot, don't get me wrong.  I just feel like my teenage daughter is taking the car out for the first time alone.  But really, that's silly because it's the Head Cheese's proverbial teenage daughter.  Keep your fingers crossed and keep an eye out for Facebook updates to see how we are doing.  HC pulls his first shot on Friday at 3:43 pm.  Woot.

Since we will probably win the America's Best Espresso competition and our popularity will likely skyrocket which will in turn mean we will have way more wholesale accounts and way more need for beans, beans, beans, now is the time to prepare.  Step one in this multi-phase top secret expansion project is to create a training video so the masses can access our method for recreation in their own coffee shop.  Yes, I hear you whispering sellout.  Shush.  We still have secrets.  I have them hidden in Regina George's hair.  Next we have to record a voice over so people understand what they're watching when tuning into the video.

During the voice over our Renaissance Man and beloved "art guy," Julius, told me I have a future in the voice over industry.  Apparently I'm a natural.  He also told me I have a perfect face for radio.  Oh, that man.  He sure knows how to make a girl blush.  Anyway, before I know it some guy called Joe is telling me to shoot him a line, we'll record a radio spot, he's been dying to get Colter's ad revived considering the current spot is like 17 years old and I am hands down the one for the job.  Basically what I am trying to say is that I have become an overnight sensation.  Sexiest voice in coffee.  So, tune into KALS or buy wholesale beans from us to get the training tutorial video and prepare to be dazzled.

I'm probs gonna get a spankin with the fly swatter (that is Brenda's most favorite form of discipline) for this but GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!  Wedding bells are chiming!  Brenda is gettin' hitched!  I am so excited.  As of October 20th Brenda will no longer be Auntie Brenda she will be Mrs. Auntie Brenda!  So while your hat tippin Pete for being born give Brendarr a tip for being lovely and in love!

I have much more to say but I just looked over to see my child faceplanted into the carpet with his arms flailing behind him and his foot stuck in his mouth.  Better handle that.  Don't forget to vote for me in the upcoming Mother of the Year award!

Have I told you the one about the hippies?  It's not super appropriate so I probably haven't but it's a good one.

Here goes.

How many hippies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Give up?

They don't screw in lightbulbs, they screw in dirty sleeping bags!

Peace out boy scout

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Making do until the zombie apocolypse

What do you guys think of Kalispell?  It seems like a lot of the tourist business we get are people coming into Costco from their vacation rental in Bigfork or they're  just passing through on their way to Whitefish.  I like Kalispell.  I understand that it is getting bigger and harder to navigate with drivers that are perhaps not used to sitting at a light or having to make speedy lane changes.  I understand that the geography of Bigfork and Whitefish are more conducive to summer activities but I feel like Kalispell gets a bad wrap.

I have felt for a long time now that being a part of Colter I am on the edge of something big.  We are growing, we have a certain atmosphere that is only attainable by a nearly perfect chemistry between regular customers and fresh blood and dedicated baristas.  Obvs, we have tasty, tasty brew.  And we're open to change.  I think this is a big one.  We've all heard the old adage that change is hard and takes adjustment and bla bla.  There is, of course, something to be said for the equally old adage of not always wanting to mix things up and that consistency is key.  I still insist that fresh air is vital and delicious.  All of that being said, I guess my point is that I really like the idea of Kalispell having a vibrant downtown and community involvement.  We have a huge farmer's market, locally owned shops on Main Street, lush parks and quiet, meandering neighborhoods.  I would love to see more activities within our community and not only have Kalispell be a stopover between one of the lakes in the valley.

There is the upcoming Huckleberry 100 which is a 100 mile bike ride.  Sounds like such a cool event.  There is always stuff going on at the Conrad Mansion or the Hockaday.  Kalispell's Taste of Kalispell is coming up this weekend.  I hope that people take part in these activites!  We will have a booth at Taste of Kalispell, so at least come see me and get a dinner's worth of samples from all the area businesses participating.  There are so many ideas to get Kalispell acquainted with it's residents and visitors and vice versa.  I've been brainstorming with Poppy, co-owner of Cobblestone Moon on 1st Avenue East, about how to bring a bit more life to Kalispell.  We're thinking of screening films in the lawn of her sweet little shop.  At least while the weather holds.  Perhaps the backroom of Colter after that?  We're thinking of getting a shop mob together.  Much like flash mobs but groups of people who all go to one locally owned and operated shop and purchase something.  Help the retailer boost sales for the day.  Perhaps choosing one day a month to meet up and shop.  Starting with a coffee and ending with ice cream or however it works out.  We have such great businesses and such great business owners.  I've gotten to know a lot of the proprietors in downtown and I can certainly vouch for the fact that these places are worth spending some time at.

What do you guys think?  How is our community?  Are you satisfied?  Would you like a tighter knit, more active community?

In the spirit of things, here is a joke

How many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb?

Just one but the lightbulb has to want to change.

Until we meet again.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Honey do's

Ohmigawd.  I have missed you all so much.  There is something so satisfying about the tip tip tappy of computer keys yet it is a task easily dismissed.

Today, though.  Today is the day, my friends and coffee lovers.  I am here to spread the gospel of Colter.  Of course, when I say "Colter," I mean stuff somehow related to Coltertopia and the people and events in our kingdom. There are only mere weeks left in our precious summer.  I don't know about y'all but I have a list.  It's really an impressive list of things to accomplish, "this summer."  If all were to go according to plan I would have a garden, a baby who knows how to sign, fresh mugs in the chop, t-shirts on the shelves, size 6 jeans on my booty, a magazine beating down my door begging me to do some freelance contributions, two new hires waiting in the bullpen all trained and ready to go, a new menu behind the counter and several other pipe dreams on the verge of fruition.  It just goes so fast.  My to-do list is much more lustrous than my done list but I've got some good seatmates next to me on this boat, amirite?

Instead of a garden I am planning to browse the Farmer's Market this evening and pick up some spinach to grind up for my baby who doesn't sign but whose chubby hands grab curiously at everything within reach. Mugs are on the way and they will be max rad.  Local artist, Nicole Johnson, is setting us up with a mix of her freshest glazes and loveliest handles.  T-shirts are the butt of many jokes around Coltertopia.
"Hey, why did the barista cross the road?"
"I dunno, why?"
"To get a t-shirt!  Baahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hoooeehahahahahahahahaha"

I don't get it either.  Someday new retail t-shirts will be more than a fantasy of mine and the butt of a dumb joke.  In the meantime I'm going to dream of American Apparel 25/25/50 V-necks with minimalist, hip images.  Swoon.  Same with the menu.  I see reclaimed barn wood-ish type material and white chalk.  Someday I also want mason jar light fixtures.  Double swoon.

Rather than a writer's magazine beating down my door I have customers and the Bossman requesting me to write this blog!  Right?  I mean, Slinging Lattes and Flashing Smiles totally counts.  As for new hires, I cast a line into the vast expanse of fbook and haven't received much input back.  If you happen to read the blog and aren't on fbook, our seasonal employees are on their way out soon and we are hoping to hire a career barista with a serious interest in this schtick.  I would love to hear from you if you're interested and think you would be a good fit in our quirky, lovable family.

Hopefully summertime is going along swimmingly for the rest of you in Coltertopia.  We're certainly doing alright.  Come say hey!

Finally, what does a nosy pepper do?

Get's jalapeño bid'nass!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May showers

Hello, strangers!

 Due to transitioning back into pulling shifts behind the coffee bar combined with an impending business trip to Dallas for the Head Cheese and me, BaristaGirl has been a bit lacking.  I do apologize.

We sure have been hustling around though! I hope you've been in lately to help us welcome the summer season. Everything is better in the summer, isn't it? I know most of us in this area are winter sports aficionados but come on. Last night I had sushi and a glass of wine with a girlfriend then went to split a Framboise down at city beach in Whitefish. We left the dock at 9pm and it was still light when I got home. Beat that.

 In downtown news, out of town business is picking up as well. Southern accents exclaim joy in not paying sales tax, or someone turns down a coffee card because they're, "just here on vacation." We love meeting the summer crowd. We especially love seeing a face from last summer or the summer before. Customers and baristas, we may not know much about one another, whether we have siblings or any allergies or what the other does for fun, but we have a mutual understanding of a shared experience we'd like to have again. The Colter experience. It's rad. I love sharing it. I say now that I love sharing it when I happen to be on this side of our upcoming trip where I'm going to have to share the Colter Experience with half of Dallas. We'll see what I have to say after that.

We had our Latte Art Competition on Sunday! It was fun! Changed it up a bit this year and offered some different options for spectators and competitors. A pour over bar, 5 Sparrows sampling table, affogatos, and general mingling with the crew. I look forward to continuing to tweak our approach and hope to have the house packed next year! I wanna nervously eye fire code capacity! From our in-house competition our veteran barista Brendarrrr took first place and runner up to her was Allison and the bronze went to Tazia. Out of house first place went to Montana Coffee Traders' lead barista, Matthew, second and third went to Hannah and Sarsten both from Ceres Bakery. So cool to see other area shops coming in to support the event. I have inklings of a combined effort and bigger draw in our futures. Personally, I thought the poem I wrote the night before and then posted as Colter's Facebook page status was gonna bring everybody in droves but apparently my poetry fell on deaf ears. Blind eyes? One of those.

I hope everyone has met and enjoys our newbies! We have a couple of seasonal baristas right now, those young and vibrant college youths who make us yearn to be back in those times of sleepless nights and whirring metabolisms. Yes, I'll have whipped cream with that! Anyway, Russ and Jessica are our new faces so come see them and try not to give them too hard of a time.

Also, starting this Friday, June 1st, we will be participating in First Friday! So come hear the musical stylings of Jarod Kearny and see the art of Alan Satterlee as you join the rest of Kalispell for a fun evening stroll around downtown! Keep on keepin on, y'all, I'll catch you on the flip side!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Have you missed me?

Boy. What a trip parenthood is. So far the best trip I've ever taken. I kind of have that feeling you get when you're more worn out from your relaxing vacation than you would be if you'd just stayed home. Had you just stayed home, however, you would have never gotten to touch that sting ray while snorkeling or experienced racing around in a dune buggy. I've been driving one crazy dune buggy with my little baby Jasper by my side. I'm sure the BaristaGirl blog will be peppered with babyphenalia from here on out so I wont go too overboard today.

I wanted to make sure no one forgot about us though! I miss the blog while I don't have a lot of material since I'm not in the shop as much right now as I used to be I still wanted to post. I happened to go in today, actually, which served a dual purpose of caffeinating (I swear that's how it's spelled.) me and inspiring me. I miss it. I miss the chaos, I miss watching downtown. Of course, I miss the chocolate chip mini cookies. Mostly I miss the customers. We wouldn't be Colter without our customers.

In fact, I had one of those endearing customer interactions today that on a day pre-Jasper would have sent me into a fit. Today I am slightly less hormonal, incredibly less pregnant and the sun is shining. Today, life is good. And then I run into Big Bob. Big Bob is an incredibly endearing 50something guy who always seems to be wearing tie-dye. Big smile, scratchy boom for a voice that sounds like gravelly molasses and he drives a hoopdee cruiser, driver's seat reclined, windows down. I pass him on my way to the bathroom and he grabs my hand, gives it a squeeze, tells me it's good to see me and then asks if I had my baby.

Well, yeah. Hence not being pregnant. I smile and point in Allison's direction. Upon my leaving the bathroom he tells me I make a good looking baby and gives my hand another squeeze. I go sit by the window and wait patiently for my americano amid the madness of Chai Chillers and Huckleberry Hurricanes that is School District #5 early release. Big Bob jumps up and comes to take a seat next to me presumably to talk more about how cute my baby is.

"Hey Jess, I don't wanna bother ya, but it's so funny... Wanna know what's funny?"
"Sure, Bob, lemme hear it."
"See," he starts to bite his knuckles and grin a little. I'm starting to look forward to hearing this, "for the longest time I couldn't tell if you were pregnant or just getting... you know... fatter and fatter. Hah! Isn't that a kick!"
Hilarious, Big Bob. Hi-freaking-larious. I then unwrap the stale mini-cupcake I had grabbed from the day old plate in the pastry case and eat the entire thing in one bite. Smiling through buttercream. I now remember why I hang out mostly with my child who doesn't speak and sees my excess as delicious, delicious lunch.

Which brings me to the link that I wanted to post as my entire blog in the first place. It's from the 1000awesomethings blog by Neil Pasricha. I recommend all the other 999 entries too but this one is especially awesome and prevalent to slinging lattes and flashing smiles.

Is this about you?


Friday, February 17, 2012

Did you have the fever?

Twas two score and twelve weeks ago, in the clapboard and fiberglass land of Martin City that a cold wind blew. Men in animal skins cheersed to leather faced women and talked through gap teeth and Pall Malls. The 2011 annual Cabin Fever Days in Martin City had descended upon us.

My adventure partner, Grady, and I had high hopes of debauchery and entertainment. The Bar Stool Ski Races being the main attraction were certainly not to be missed and within the races my favorite was the self touted, "Born and Bred Canyon Stripper" who gyrated her way down Martin City Hill to the whoops and hollers of hundreds of drunk bystanders.

Needless to say, I took the day off from Colter. And the next day. We had a cabin rented in the canyon and were settled in to become one with the locals. Among the festivities are snowshoe baseball, an axe throwing competition, cursing contest, and an arm wrestling competition complete with the official table used by Sylvester Stalone in "Over The Top."

Grady signed me up. I didn't say no. I did order a few extra gin and sodas.

All of my tamping and milk jug lugging paid off. Did you know that this particular barista at your service is the 2011 Cabin Fever Days Women's Division arm wrestling champion? True story. I won 9 dollars, a key chain and whole lot of pride.

Check out my final battle below. The low, guttural, "DESTROY HER" command toward the end is Grady, my best pal and coach.

See that determination? That resolve?

I thought about going back to defend my title this last weekend. I do have a lot more weight to throw around this year. In the end I stayed home and made granola to send to my little brother so he'll stop eating those dang Pop Tarts at college.

At any rate, this post had next to nothing to do with coffee but it is a fond memory and a story the Head Cheese always enjoys and we thought y'all might enjoy it too.

From our headquarters to yours, Happy Friday.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So, how bout them Republicans?

I'm a political slacker. I try to be involved and informed but aside from what I get from Slate and other snarky and entertaining news sites I tend to be pretty laid back. I'm skeptical of all of our options but to be honest I haven't focused a lot of energy on researching all (or any of) the candidates. Even now as I watch/listen to Newt Gingrich's speech from the Florida Caucus, I can't help but be entirely distracted by his wife and her striking resemblance to Paris Hilton and The Joker's eldest daughter, Polly Esther. Then I get distracted again when I hear Newt quoting Honest Abe by saying, "...for the people, by the people..." and I just think of the brand FUBU (For Us By Us). Which then leads to me imagining Newt playing Woody Harrelson's role in White Men Can't Jump. Which obviously then reminds me of Wesley Snipes' performance in Blade and also Murder at 1600. Which brings us full circle. And I have absolutely no idea what Newt actually said. I feel a little better because I don't think his wife does either.

The coffee shop is a good resource for keeping up on current events. Someone is always talking about something. I get to hear all about the wolves and who wants to kill em and who wants to go Jungle Book with them. The social aspect has always been my favorite part of my job but I think I could also say it is one of my main sources of information on local and national, even global goings on. Of course, I can't take what you shlubs say as gospel, I need to do a little more research but y'all do definitely inspire more Google searches than you're probably aware of.

We've got some cool current events coming up in Colter, too. Even though we're not advertised on the posters, we are in fact participating in the Chocolate Affair next Friday. We'll be staying open late and offering out of the ordinary delicious treats such as truffles from The Palette Cafe in Columbia Falls among other foodies.

This coming Monday, of course, is stand up comedy/open mic night and if you haven't been in to be entertained you're definitely missing out.

Also, a current and ongoing affair, have you guys tried our Roaster's Reserves yet? I'm getting a ton of positive feedback so far so be sure you have a cuppa soon before it changes!

And now, a joke: Horse walks into a bar, bartender says, "why the long face?"


And since that one was kinda lame, another. Brenda (or anyone who prefers to abstain from off color humor), stop reading here. This is not for you.

Three mice are sitting at a bar. They're pretty hard mice, you can tell by the looks of them. First mouse takes a big swig of his beer, slams it down, says to the other mice, "So get this. Every night old lady in the house sets a mouse trap. You know what I do? I bench press that stupid mouse trap. She's never seen my kinda mouse."

Other two mice nod, impressed. Second mouse, though, second mouse isn't going to let that go untopped. "Oh, yeah?" He says, "Well, from the time I was a young mouse I've sprinkled rat poison on my grapenuts every morning. Now I sprinkle it on all my kids' breakfast. Kinda start to like it after awhile. Toughest mice in town, my kids."

Other two mice nod, very impressed with the rat poison story. Third mouse puts his head down and shakes it a little bit, maybe in disbelief. He then finishes his beer, slides it down to the bartender pulls his hat on and marches out.

First mouse says, "What?! Can't take the heat? Getting out of the kitchen?!"
"Nah," third mouse says, "I'm going home to f*ck the cat."

And there you have it, folks. I'm spent. Time to go elevate my cankles.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


It's good to know I still retain some of my Spanish-speaking instincts. Yesterday amid all the SOPA/PIPA huff, I kept thinking people were talking about sopapillas. What's so bad about fluffy fried pastry drizzled in honey and powdered sugar? I mean, are we really gonna go all artery blockage police on a little dessert? My brain works in mysterious ways. For some reason a few weeks ago I had a phrase stuck in my head, every few minutes it would just float through my subconscious and trigger strange images. Wanna know what that phrase was? It was 'mutton bustin.' Go figure.

Back to SOPA/PIPA. Did y'all read about it? It makes me nervous to think that congress was considering limiting our online freedoms. I see where they are coming from with the piracy stuff, but aren't criminals going to be criminals and find a way around such legislation? It seems to me the real people to suffer will be you and I when we try to upload a funny photo to our Fbooks and we're blocked. What would I do if I weren't allowed to upload pictures of baby hedgehogs curled up in measuring cups? That's a big part of my day right there. I do have to split my time between the hedgies and really pedantic articles making fun of people with poor grammar and spelling. It's terrible, I know. It's my release. Yoga doesn't cut it for me I guess.

I was thinking about the internet and how much capability we have because of it and how truly revolutionary a thing it is. I opened an advertisement via Colter's Facebook page. The parameters I put on the ad made it so that it reached 34,653 people. Isn't that crazy?! 34,653 people that never would have known we exist. Of those 34,653 people Colter is now Facebook friends with 94 of them and I only opened it an hour ago. Jeesum crow. Those intarwebs shore is powerful.

Then I googled "coffee" to see what happens. Because internet search engines are powered by terms and also need to be powered by money all terms are up for sale. The word "coffee" will produce the highest bidder first. Sbux is apparently the highest bidder on "coffee." Big shocker, I know. But then scrolling down it gets a little deeper. You'll find something I'm sure Pete has an app for on his iPhone as well as the websites for Folgers and Gevalia. Of course the search yields 1,090,000,000 results. I don't even know how to say that out loud. As the pages go on and on the results get more convoluted. It really does go to show, however, that the internet is an incredible tool and it brings together so many people, industries, small business and hedge hog enthusiasts. It has revolutionized the coffee business, I know. Has it affected your industry?

Part of the reason I was brought into the position I hold is to take advantage of internet resources. I recently found a grant we may be able to apply for to get our baristas certified by the Barista Guild of America. How sweet would that be?! Albeit, incredibly nerdy but pretty sweet nonetheless. Plus, our coffee nerdiness is part of our charm, right?

Speaking of nerdiness. We have two new Roaster's Reserve coffees debuting today. We are going to be more regular with rotating our Roaster's Reserve and I have a hunch it's going to be on the monthly. The plan is that each showcased bean will be a single origin microlot. That sounds like Greek, I know. Basically it means that our RRs won't be blends (single origin) and will come from a very small and extra special batch of coffee (microlot). Prepare to be dazzled by Organic Papua New Guinea and Organic Brazil! I've only tried the Papua New Guinea and I liked it a lot. Light roast, buttery, a teeny bit lemony. The Brazil smelled amazing when it was being roasted and I look forward to trying it. I especially look forward to Brazil because I have a real thing for Central/South American coffees. They're like chocolate.

So, for today, come try our new coffee and appreciate freedom. And a joke:

Sherlock Holmes and Watson went camping. They pitched their tent under the stars and went to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes woke Watson up and said, "Watson, look up at the stars and tell me what you see." Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars" Holmes said, "And what do you deduce from that?" Watson replied, "Well, if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of them have planets, it's quite likely there are some planents like Earth out there. And it there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life." And Holmes said, "Watson, you idiot, it means somebody stole our tent!"

Har. Har. Har.

I have an absolute favorite joke of all time. In my single days I would tell it as a conversation started with the fellas. It's a bit off color and has some swearing in it but if you come in understanding those truths and would like to hear it, ask me at the shop sometime and I'll make ya laugh.

For now, later.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

So this is the new year

2012 is already a week old! Who moved a mountain this week?! I didn't actually move a mountain but I did win a sweet game of dominoes! Celebrating simple joys, ya know.

As life mellows out to a business as usual pace, we're still enjoying hustling and bustling at the shop. Now that the holidays have come and gone all the tasks I assigned myself to do, "once New Years is over," have jumped on my back. Busy is good though and it's shaping up to be a solid 2012 for Colter. Starting with new t shirts! Head Cheese sprung for the nice ones! Shout out to one of our very favorites, Chance, for talking him into the squishy squish 25/25/50 American Apparel blend (for at least one of this year's shirt styles). They really are better. I tell him these things but he just blames my blatant Libran qualities, smiles, nods, and asks about getting a quote on BeefyTees. If you see the Head Cheese in the shop would you please happen to loudly mention to your companion that you like your nipples too much to have them be chafed off by a BeefyTee? I've already won the battle but this is a war on frugality. Some things are just worth paying for. Decorative throw pillows? You can probably get those at ShopKo and leave Pier1 out of it. If you try to go to Target for a pair of jeans that you want to make your ass look like the gal's at Fawn Boutique you're in for an unpleasant surprise. Speaking of determining when to spend money for quality versus spending money on pointless shit, on Colter's Facebook Newsfeed this morning there was a Jimmy Choo coffee holder for $175. No one ever needs a $175 coffee sleeve. Really, no one should need a sleeve. It is a convenience some prefer but should not be listed as a basic necessity requiring fulfillment. If you are considering in investing in a piece such as this, call me immediately. I have many other ways to spend $175. Finally, toothbrushes. Get the nice one.

Anyway, back to t shirts and Colter projects. We're actually going to have a couple of shirts to sell this year and with our fancy pants new website and online shop ( we can sell them online and hopefully actually sell some this year! Be on the lookout, we should be debuting our first 2012 Colter shirt in early February. It says "naked" on it if that blows any whistles.

I'd like to start seeing some reader/customer participation on the blog. I know my opinion and I know how I'd like to run the world (namely, the coffee shop) but I'd really like some input on how we're doing and I feel like this is a good forum for that. So, starting now I'm gonna ask a question in each entry that will help me tweak the goings on at Colter and fix the stuff SweetiePete is screwing up. Don't worry, I blame him for everything.

So, to kick it off and carry on with the theme of today's entry; would you wear a Colter shirt? In my head we are definitely a hip enough spot to be represented by a tee and people obvs are gonna wanna represent us in said tee. I don't always live in reality though, so help me out. A super soft, trendy and even a little edgy tee shirt. Yay or nay?

See you next week. Or tomorrow! Whichever comes first. Sundays always bring a lot of people so I'm sure I'll have stories abounding for the next entry.

Hasta pasta